Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Simple 4 Step Approach To Have Google Crawl Your Site Today Guaranteed!

By Mike Makler Platinum Quality Author

Extra, Extra Google Now Gives you feedback. By Creating a Google Sitemap using free online tools you can get Google to crawl your site within 24 Hours. As an Added bonus after Google Crawls your site they give you feedback about any problems they encountered. To take advantage of this amazing service from yahoo just follow these 4 simple steps.

Step 1 Get a Google Site Map Account

In order to create a Google Sitemap account just cut and paste the below URL in your browser and follow the simple directions

Step 2 Create Your Site map

You can create your Sitemap either as an XML file or a TXT file. XML is the PPreferred method since you can give Google more information about your Web Site. You do not need to know XML to create a Google Sitemap. Not with this free web based tool. Simply go to the below web site type in your domain and it will automatically spider your site and create a Google Site Map for you.

If You prefer to use a text file simply following the below direction taken directly from the Google Help File (

Google accepts simple text files that list URLs. As the text files contain only a list of URLs, Google prefers that you use the Sitemap protocol so you can provide additional information about your URLs. The text file must follow these guidelines:

  • The text file must have one URL per line. The URLs cannot contain embedded new lines.
  • You must fully specify URLs as Google attempts to crawl them exactly as provided.
  • Each text file can contain a maximum of 50,000 URLs. If you site includes more than 50,000 URLs, you can separate the list into multiple text files and submit each one separately.
  • The text file must use UTF-8 encoding. You can specify this when you save the file (for instance, in Notepad, this is listed in the Encoding menu of the Save As dialog box).
  • The text file should contain no information other than the list of URLs.
  • The text file should contain no header or footer information.
  • You can name the text file anything you wish. Google recommends giving the file a .text extension to identify it as a text file (for instance, sitemap.txt).
  • You should upload the text file to the highest-level directory you want search engines to crawl and make sure that you don't list URLs in the text file that are located in a higher-level directory.

    Step 3 Upload your Site Map File To Your Web Page

    Once you have created an XML or TXT Sitemap using the instructions in Step 2 you would just upload it to your web page either by FTP or by using the Cpanel from your Web Host.

    Step 4 Tell Google

    The last step in this process is to tell Google about your Sitemap. You simply Log In to your Google site map account and add the URL of you Site Map. Be sure and check back a few hours later to make sure it uploaded correctly.

    Now be sure and repeat the above 4 Steps whenever you change your website

    Bonus Step 5

    After Google has read your Sitemap and crawled your site (usually 12-24 Hours) you will see a verify link next to your Sitemap name. Click the link and Google will instruct you to create a blank file and place it on your Web Page, Once you have done that Google will tell you any problems it encountered crawling your Page.

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    Thursday, September 18, 2008

    How to Increase Your AdSense Performance

    If your struggling to earn any money from Google AdSense then your probably not getting enough traffic. Traffic is everything, the more traffic the more clicks. This is the general rule when earning money from AdSense, but how do you make your CTR increase by 5-10% or earn $1 from every click instead of 20c?

    There are a few easy ways you can achieve much better results with AdSense.

    1. Use channels to manage your results of different websites or pages. This helps to find which pages are getting the most clicks, CTR, Impressions and how much per click. Channels are used to make your ads more effective.

    2. Use rectangle ad boxes instead of long thin ones if possible. It has been proven to have better results. There is a scientific reason but all you need to know is that they perform better.

    3. Customize your ads to either make them stand out or blend in. Placement of your ads affects their performance as well, if no one can see the ads they won't get clicked.

    4. Sign into AdWords and pretend to make an ad to match one that would be showed on your pages and see how much the CPC is. You want to make sure the CPC is as high as possible. Use keywords in your website that have a high CPC.

    5. Write quality content. Google doesn't like websites purely built to make money off AdSense. If you just have a bunch of keywords your website will not get as much per click. Remember this, if your website is good and has useful info you will get more per click.

    Those are the five things you can do to get better AdSense results.

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